
Martin Dagger Memorial GameSunday January 2 2022
Teams; Martin Dagger Select XI vs Presidents XI
Date; 29th December 2021
Venue; Lockleaze Sports Centre
Kick Off; 11.00am

Martin Dagger was our friend. One of the many close to us whom we’ve collectively lost in one form or another through Covid. But, today, we celebrated his life in the way which typifies the great club we all play for and love. We dedicated the Vincent’s traditional Christmas match to his memory, and invited his family to join us so they could see for themselves how we felt about losing our brother.

With Coronavirus and festive season exigencies having depleted the squads somewhat the last of the brave took to the field. Conditions didn’t promise quality football. A wicked wind blew the ball off heads and toes, and made for a few comedy moments. The Martin Dagger Select XI won the toss and chose to play with the wind, but some good play on the deck quickly gave the President’s XI a 2-0 lead, which was pulled back to 2-2 by half-time.
With early first half injuries having taken their toll, those left standing had to play the whole of the second half!

  The Select XI battered the President’s XI goal only to be denied time and time again by the acrobatics of Yusuf Demirer, rightly voted Man of the Match. Seven or eight top-drawer saves gave the President’s XI the impetus to push on and win the game [6-3]. The Martin Dagger Select XI struggled to find an effective way to play into the wind which invited a high press, from which the President’s XI stole the winning margin. Great wing play, short balls across the midfield and into feet, and some truly astonishing goalkeeping were the real deciding factors. In reality, though, there wasn’t that much in it.

  In the end a sad but happy day and one in celebration of Martin’s life. Everyone enjoyed the game and the craic and we’re pretty sure that Martin would have enjoyed it too.

  Line Up;
Martin Dagger Select XI.
D Day, S Mooney, A Kevern, C Rastell, W Dodds, Josh Stevens, S Aldis, M Stanleigh, M Murison, M. Wilson, R Todd, R Thompson, (+A Brown) Goals; Josh Stevens , A Brown President’s XI,
Y Demirer, W Mitchell, M Wride, O Gadd, Jon Sevens, M Chaillet, C Wiltshire, O Palmer, T Clarke, A Brown, O Grant, F Devoy.  Goals; M Chaillet 2, F Devoy 2, ??  

Website launchThursday November 25 2021
Hi Boys,

Welcome on board for the new season covid free we all hope! All of you should be proud of the way you coped with difficult conditions last season and managed to play the style of football we all enjoy at St. Vincent’s.

To the new players this season if you need a chat about the history of the club or football generally talk to Paul Davies or Mike Wride, legends of the club, and of course Ray King our secretary of state, 5000 phone calls 10000 texts; that's what he told me during covid, joking of course, Well done Ray. May I wish you the very best for this season with all 4 teams in the top 6 and qualifying for Europe next season!

On a sombre note the club has lost three top players from the past, Tony Smedley, Bobby Gibbons, Nigel Whittle. Bob’s wake was held at Dinder Village Hall, a super little Village opposite Wells Cathedral. Many ex V’s and Brislington cricketers were present. Mike Stephens, Ian Philpott, Martin Sims, Brian York, Paul Bawn, Woody, John Thompson, Ray King. Players from Nigel’s era gathered at the Eldon House. Thanks Rab Clarke!, Names from the past who were there and what a great team they would have made - Russ Mahoney, Barry Pearce, Mike Hedges, Dobie, Frank Devoy, Rab, Seb, Buck, Mike Wride, Paul Davies, Neil Davies, Ray King, Paul Phillips and The Boy.

I think that’s about all for now boys, look out for each other.

Looking forward to seeing you soon.
Your President,
Dave Wood
New WebsiteThursday November 11 2021
Welcome to the new Clifton St. Vincent's AFC website, we hope you like what you see.
Any content additions or suggestions for the website can be directed to Mike Wride, with our social media links at the bottom of the page.
New Club BadgesMonday November 8 2021
Here are some mock up club badges from Rich Thompson:


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